Webinar on Sustainability and Ignatian Values

Webinar on Sustainability and Ignatian Values

Fecha y hora: 17 de diciembre de 2020, a las 17h.

El grupo Ecología y Desafíos Ambientales del proyecto europeo HEST invita al profesorado de las universidades jesuitas al webinar sobre Sostenibilidad y Valores Ignacianos.

HEST group on Ecology and Environmental Challenges invites faculty members to the preparatory webinar on Sustainability and Ignatian Value

Regístrese y únase al webinar  aquí.

The HEST project (Higher Education for Social Transformation), a project sponsored by the Kircher Network, the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU),and the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain) are inviting faculty members from our Jesuit institutions to promote and participate collectively in the development of a massive online course (MOOC) on Sustainability and Values, with academic contributions from faculty members of Jesuit universities and higher education institutions around the world. The course will be developed based on a multidisciplinary approach.

In this introductory webinar, Dr Pedro Linares, from the Institute of Technological Research at Comillas University and a member of HEST, will explain the proposal, the contributions required from each collaborator, as well as the online platform where the MOOC will be hosted.

The Webinar will be held on December 17, 2020, at 17:00h CET.


Dic 17 2020


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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