New Paradigm for New Normal – Renewing Jesuit Business Education

New Paradigm for New Normal – Renewing Jesuit Business Education

New Paradigm for New Normal – Renewing Jesuit Business Education
Dates: 14 y 15 de julio
Where: Online. Evento gratuito.
A global virtual conference that will try to inspire us to work together towards renewing Jesuit business education. The conference is specially addressed at the leaders and faculty of Jesuit business schools. As you will see, the panel has representation from different Business schools, from the General Curia in Rome and from the Vatican.
Do you know someone or a group that might be interested in attending this conference? Is this something that we can share in our newsletters and social media? We would be grateful if you could share it.
You can know more about the group leading this project here:


Jul 14 - 15 2020

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